Dr. Liz Lange's research research combines evolutionary studies, animal behavior, genetics, and theoretical modelling to understand when and how individuals use information from the social environment to alter phenotypes.

liz.lange [at] oswego.edu
Student Researchers
If you are a student interested in animal behavior, evolutionary biology, quantitative genetics, or theory and want to talk about a research project, please contact me.
Ivonne examined temporal variation in social environment and alternative mating strategies. Her senior thesis found repeatable seasonal differences in alternative mating behaviors (stay tuned for the publication!). Ivonne is currently a lab tech for the Travis lab at Florida State University
Megan is working on understanding how social environment affect's male fitness. Stay tuned for results as she is currently genotyping. Mehan works full-time at Dermatology Associates of Tallahassee and at TMH on the weekends. She is applying to Physician Assistant Programs for Fall 2021.
Erin is a great aquarist who helped with animal husbandry and transcribing behavioral data. She continues to put her husbandry skills to use as a teaching lab manager at FSU. Erin cares for aquaria and terraria of invertebrates, and prepares class materials for the undergraduate Bio 1 lab and Bio 2 lab classes at FSU.
Steve is an honorary non-assistant researcher that lived in our field site, Steve's Ditch. He ruined our 25 month census streak, but didn't care. Luckily he only stayed in the ditch for a month before he said see you later alligator. Hobbies include scaring biologists and eating study organisms.
Not pictured:
Rachel Hite, animal care and husbandy, Clemson University, 2011-2013, currently an RN
Grant Davidson, effects of social environment on development, Clemson University, 2012-2013, currently a Certified Physician Assistant
Emilio Cardenal, effects of social environment on male morphology, Florida State University, 2018-2020
Taylor Allen, feeding behavior in juvenile mollies, Florida State University, 2018-2019
Kenna Dwinell, fieldwork, DNA extraction and quantification, Florida State University, 2017-2018
Patricia Hernandez, fieldwork, animal care and husbandry, Florida State University, 2015-2017, currently a nurse
Nickolas Hernandez, fieldwork, animal care and husbandry, Florida State University, 2019
Mishala Horowitz, fieldwork, animal care and husbandry, Florida State University, 2015-2016 currently a nurse
Patrick Huyck, DNA extraction and quantification, Florida State University, 2016
Julieanna Keclik, fieldwork, animal care and husbandry, Florida State University, 2017-2019
Alyssa Patneaude, fieldwork, animal care and husbandry, Florida State University, 2016-2017
Kyra Reifenberg, fieldwork, animal care and husbandry, Florida State University, 2017-2018
Brianna Reynolds, fieldwork, animal care and husbandry, Florida State University, 2018
Erica Snook, fieldwork, animal care and husbandry, Florida State University, 2015-2016
Jorge Serrano, DNA extraction and quantification, Florida State University, 2019
Gino Tornese, effects of temperature of male life history traits, Florida State University, 2018-2019, currently studying to be a pharmacist
Anni Wang, DNA extraction and quantification, Florida State University, 2016-2017
Alexandra Rose, fieldwork, animal care and husbandry, Florida State University, 2019
Jonathan Chappell, DNA extraction and quantification, Florida State University, 2016-2017
Katie Kyle, DNA extraction and quantification, Florida State University, 2015-2016, currently a PhD student at UConn